Here Comes the Bride

So tomorrow morning my wife’s youngest sister is getting married. We have been running like crazy trying to get things done. Our kids will be in the ceremony so of course my wife has been going crazy trying to find the perfect shoes and what-not. It is quite fun. :)

It is actually a pretty good distraction from the stress of last week. Still stress, but a different kind of stress. But that is why posts have been light this week. Between proofing the invitations and the program, to tasting food (which I didn’t get to help with by the way – very upset about that one as I am quite the eater! :) ), to being the “child distractor” while my wife helped with the makeup stuff and other various shopping excursions.

There is one thing that I’ve been wrestling with this week as we have been in and out of stores and malls and various other places that the wedding preparations have taken us to, and that is finding God in even the small things. After my emotional roller coaster last week and the life changing realization that life is indeed very short and totally out of our control, I have been a bit more keen to where I place the Lord in my every day comings and goings. I mean, when you find out you have a massive tumor and you don’t know what the future holds for you, it is a bit more natural to cry out to the Lord. But when you’re helping your wife look for just the right shoes for your little girl my tendency is to get frustrated rather easily. I mean, shoes are shoes, right? (All the guys are with me here, I just know it! :) ) But then I remember that my wife is a gift from the Lord. And I am to treat her as I would treat my own flesh and so I take that to mean that I am to consider those things important that are important to her. That is hard stuff, man. I mean when it comes to shopping I just am not that interested. But God cares about every small thing with me; even silly stuff, the Lord actually cares about it. Kind of blows your mind. So while we were going through about 10 different stores looking for just the perfect shoes, I found myself evaluating my attitude and trying to remind myself to give even the small stuff to God. I really want to get to that place where I can depend on the Lord to help us find the right shoes at the same level and intensity that I can depend on him to give me peace when I learn that I have a 6 inch tumor on my kidney. I definitely have a long way to go…

2 thoughts on “Here Comes the Bride

  1. Niel,
    Today. It is all about you. I wish I could trade places. You know parents do not want any suffering to come to their children.

    Today, it is all about how you touch the lives of all you come in contact with. It is about your kindness, your generosity, and your smile.

    Today, it is all about celebrating your truly remarkable spirit and faith in Jesus Christ. Sunday in church was very special for me. I too, finally felt a calm about this entire “journey”. I know how the lord we keep and protect you. I was not totally sure about that until Sunday.

    Today, it is all about being thankful for you and the wonderul son and father that you are.

    You will come through all of this in flying colors and I know you will be a stronger man for it.

    I love you son and will be there for you!!!!!


  2. I feel your pain. The mall time is never a good experience for us! I do hope the wedding went well. I am sure the kids looked beautiful.

    Just thinking about you guys today!

    Gene Shelton

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